95bFM's Loose Reads: Underland: A Deep Time Journey by Robert Macfarlane / by Time Out Bookstore

How often do we think about and how much do we even know about the immense world that lurks beneath our feet? Robert Macfarlane is the poet of the natural world, the linguist of landscape. As we re-emerge from the “underland” of lockdown, his exquisite book Underland: A Deep Time Journey is the most thoughtful and beautiful book to gently dive into at this time. This exhilarating investigation into the world beneath the surface we walk upon, moves between catacombs, a laboratory underground in Yorkshire, and underground burial chambers for nuclear waste in Finland. Macfarlance explains that the underland archives the past, and tells us so much about the future… Kiran read this book in absolute wonder, and reviewed it on 95bFM’s Loose Reads.
