School Holiday Picks: Week Two by Time Out Bookstore

1) Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban (Illustrated Edition) by J.K. Rowling

Wendy's Grandson Jacob has been spending the holidays with us and his top pick is the new illustrated edition of Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban.

If you haven't yet read one of the illustrated editions of Harry Potter, you're missing out! It's a wonderful way to experience the series.


2) Turtles All the Way Down by John Green

John Green's first novel in six years is here. With a beautiful cover and incredible reviews from The Guardian and the New York Times, Turtles All the Way Down is a must read for 2018.

3) Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend

Nevermoor is here! Does it live up to the hype? We had 12 year old Rata write a special review for us.

Come in and check out our special Hachette NZ Nevermoor window, it will be up until next week.

4) Competition time for National Bookshop Day

In celebration of our Howl-O-Ween NZ Bookshop Day, we are giving away TWO bespoke bi monthly book bundles for 2018. All you need to do is create a review for us! See details below...
Another GREAT competition to check out is the Booksellers NZ 'Love Letter to your Bookshop' here: 


5) The Lost Words by Robert MacFarlane & Jackie Morris

All we have to say is that this is one of the most beautiful books in the kid's room right now. From the author of Landmarks and The Wild Places with tender and rich illustrations, The Lost Words is a book for every age.

Book Review: The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor #1) by Jessica Townsend by Time Out Bookstore

The Trials of Morrigan Crow (Nevermoor #1) is one of those books that we know is going to be big. As you might expect a bookseller to tell you this, we have a trusted review for you from one of our young customers, 13 year old Rata Lomax.

When you open this book an explosion of magic, weirdness, friendship and excitement spills out. The Trials of Morrigan Crow is packed with craziness, fascination and a bit of darkness to balance things out. Fans of Harry Potter, Roald Dahl and Narnia would absolutely LOVE this book.

Morrigan Crown is star-crossed, unlucky, cursed and everyone knows it. Most people tend to keep away from her and Morrigan knows when she dies there will most likely be celebrations, for the curse dooms her to die when she reaches the age of twelve. But as Morrigan waits for her cruel fate an unexpected twist takes place, a peculiar, intriguing and slightly crazy man comes to her rescue and he takes her to a place called nevermoor. Nevermoor is a magical city full of incredible wonders, but if Morrigan wants to stay there she must take place in a series of four risky but magical trials.

Personally I loved this book I would definitely recommend it to readers of all ages (8+), this book is amazing and wunderous.

You can buy a copy of Nevermoor from our online store. Jessica Townsend is visiting Auckland for a few days at the end of October and will be popping into Time Out. Keep an eye on our facebook page for updated information.

School Holiday Picks: Week One by Time Out Bookstore

Here is a round up of our picks for week one of the school holidays.

1) The Traitor and the Thief by Gareth Ward.
Listen to our youngest bookseller Eli speak with Mikey Havoc on 95bFM's Loose Reads about what he's reading at the moment, plus a review of Gareth Ward's steampunk novel.

2) Aotearoa by Gavin Bishop
This incredible book follows suit of popular, sophisticated non fiction titles such as Timeline & Maps. Check out this interview on RNZ's Standing Room Only.

3) The Dragon Defenders by James Russell
We had a visit from James and the real life Dragon Defenders, Flynn & Paddy. This book is great chapter book for those 7+ readers who love the Treehouse series, Wimpy Kid and Tom Gates..

4) Annual 2 edited by Kate De Goldi and Susan Paris
Annual is BACK and it is just amazing as ever. A collection of stories, games, poetry, comics & illustrations from some of New Zealand's most talented creatives. 

5) The Wizards of Once by Cressida Cowell
Did you know Cressida Cowell, author of How to Train your Dragon, has released the first book of a new series? The Wizards of Once is a GREAT read for fans of magic, adventure and friendship. We would recommend this for young readers 8+.

bFM Loose Reads: The Traitor and the Theif by Gareth Ward by Time Out Bookstore

It's school holiday time! To celebrate, we had Eli review The Traitor and the Thief by Gareth Ward on 95bFM's Loose Reads. Listen to Eli and Mikey chat books by clicking on the image.

Bestsellers for September 2017 by Time Out Bookstore

Click on the covers to shop!



RNZ Nine to Noon: BABY by Annaleese Jochems by Time Out Bookstore

Jenna talks to Kathryn Ryan about a wonderful new literary talent from VUP. Click the image to listen to the review.

bFM Loose Reads: Riot Days by Maria Alyokhina by Time Out Bookstore

Jenna & Mikey chatted about this powerful memoir by one of Pussy Riot's founding memoirs. You can listen to the review by clicking on the image below.

National Poetry Day: All Tomorrow's Poets by Time Out Bookstore

This year, we held smaller All Tomorrow's Poets than usual, highlighting five female poets that we love. 


Makanaka Tuwe read three pieces from her new book, Questionable Intimacy. An exploration of self discovery, self love and Black Girl Magic, her reading was deeply personal and intimate. Questionable Intimacy went home with many of our guests, and is available to order through our website.


Divyaa Kumar lead us through a workshop in writing our own poetry. We transformed the word 'Joy' into a prismatic sensory experience-- recalling freshly shaved legs, whispered giggles and an effervescent glass of Pimm's.


Carrie Rudzinski and Olivia Hall joined us through the atmospheric power of the 'iPhone in a Glass' sound system. Their piece Love Like a Girl celebrated fierce sisterly love and garnered hearty recognition from the crowd. 


Evangeline Riddiford-Graham shared poems from her series Planet Cleopatra. Born from an obsession with Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, she presented a deft weaving of tabloid romance, Millionaire's Salad and the symmetry of Ngāuruahoe into a moving and relatable depiction of an enduring, if poisonous, on-again/off-again. 

Bestsellers for August 2017 by Time Out Bookstore

Click on the covers to shop!




The Booker Dozen by Cait

It's a year of literary blockbusters on the Man Booker radar. The judges have assembled an undeniably juicy selection, and we were pleased to see so many team favourites on the list— but we're always hoping to glean some undiscovered treasures. 

Elmet by Fiona Mozley is the intriguing pick of the bunch, and we're more than a little biased. Mozley is a 29 year old debut novelist and part-time bookseller from York. 

Elmet is due for November release. All other titles available now!



Welcome to our new website! by Time Out Bookstore

This is Time Out's new online home. There are lots of great things to see.


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