95bFM's Loose Reads: Pearly Gates by Owen Marshall / by Time Out Bookstore

Kiran has worked her way through the Ockham NZ Book Awards Jann Medlicott Acorn Prize for Fiction shortlist and reviewed Owen Marshall’s Pearly Gates on 95bFM’s Loose Reads. It’s a lovely, gentle novel set in a small North Otago town, and is based around Pat “Pearly” Gates. A good local son made good, Pearly is a real estate agent, two term mayor and ex rugby player. Marshall is great at evoking a sense of place and character, and Pearly Gates is charming.
The Ockham NZ Book Awards Winners’ Ceremony will be live-streamed from 6pm May 12 on the Ockhams YouTube channel where you can now also view readings from the shortlisted authors.

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