Time Out's Gift Services: A customer's experience / by Time Out Bookstore

Time Out Bookstore has recently started a gift service called ‘Year of Books’ and I was lucky enough to be the first person to try it out as my birthday present.

The particular arrangement for me was six books over six months so every month I have received an email to let me know that my book is ready. I could have the books delivered but I live close enough that I would just pop in to the bookstore to pick it up. The books have always been beautifully wrapped with the month, the book title and a little description written on the front.

Every book I have received has been incredibly enjoyable to read, spanning a wide variety but all fitting within my reading preference. It has been a wonderful six months as I have been introduced to some great authors, like Banana Yoshimoto and Toni Morrison, and I look forward to purchasing their other works.

It is a lovely and unique gift because it continues beyond the date you received it, such as your birthday, as you get to look forward to a gift every month or two months for the whole year following. I enjoyed it so much and I will miss it. I purchased the same service for my grandfather’s 90th birthday and I think it will make a great Christmas present for someone for sure.

Browse Time Out's range of gift services here.